

Dark Mood

    In the damp, dark sewer-like tunnels the smell of rotting flesh wreaks of death. You often hear loud, deep growls and the grinding of teeth like rough stones rubbing together. It is like an underground graveyard with the feel of the rattling bones of a visible skeleton and dripping blood from the sticky, slimy, moss-lined walls and floors. The light of a waning moon glares off of large black eyes in the distance, and you feel an evil presence watching and recording you from all sides by someone or some...thing from afar. Then you wonder if the violent vibrations are you shaking and trembling from the suspense or the land opening up to swallow you whole. It is cold with a light breeze except for at the end of the seemingly endless hallway which is where a bright red and yellow light emanates, steam flows forth, and the sound of screeching and the flapping of wings. Footsteps echo through the maze of corridors. A really bad, musty smell is received when grunting green goblins staggering and stammering about as if scared. Finally the sound of a beautiful maiden singing and then...a bloodcurdling scream, chomping noises, and a...dead...silence.

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